Getting to Know Your New Boss

Getting a new boss can be nerve-racking. Most of us have gone through a phase where our superior has to move on to another department or decides to leave the company entirely. The Coronavirus pandemic makes this situation even more relatable as there are many changes happening within different organisations across the globe. One thing remains constant – getting a new boss means starting afresh to establish a relationship you probably already had with your previous boss.

It’s important to establish a relationship with your new boss as quickly as possible because not doing that could have consequences for your career. If you don’t establish a relationship with your new boss early on, they might not know your value and what you bring to the table. This could lead them to make decisions that don’t reflect the value you bring to the company.

So, the question is, how do you get to know your new boss and create a rapport without seeming like you’re trying to curry favour? Connecting with a new boss can be easier than you think; it just requires you to be a bit more proactive. Here are some tips you could implement to get started on a good foot with your new boss.

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