5 Ways to Deal with Impostor Syndrome

Impostor syndrome is the feeling you get when you think you don’t deserve the accolades being accorded you, even when it is evident that you did the work. Impostor syndrome is psychological – it makes even the hardest of workers feel inadequate and like complete failures. Popular writer, Maya Angelou, admitted to sometimes feeling like her work didn’t deserve the amount of attention it was getting.

Impostor syndrome is not a disease, and isn’t always connected to depression, anxiety or self-esteem. It is a feeling that can be hard to shake off; hard but not impossible. Most times, we don’t even realise we have it. Here are some ways to know if you might be suffering from impostor syndrome:

  • You constantly feel like all your achievements were acquired by mere luck and that soon enough someone would realise this and oust you.
  • You undermine your experience. You say  or think you are not qualified for a job even after you have gone through the interview process and have been hired.
  • You find yourself devaluing your worth and sometimes, you hear yourself offering your services for a charge that is way less than they are worth or even in some cases, you offer them for free!
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