5 Signs that Your Workplace is Toxic

Your place of work is where you spend most of your waking hours, and your colleagues are the people you are closest to besides your family and friends. The atmosphere where you work has an enormous impact on your health and total well-being.

We all get a bad Monday, a bad week, or even a bad month, but being in a bad work environment can be hellish and hard to bear. Every workplace has its challenges. And it could be difficult to tell if a workplace is toxic or just has its fair amount of challenges.

Here are some signs to know if you are in a toxic workplace:

  1. Poor communication: Communication skills are essential skills needed for an organisation to be successful. If you feel you are constantly being left out of the loop regarding important information, or if different employees always receive different information, then you are most likely in a toxic work environment.
  1. Poor leadership: There is a saying that “you don’t leave a job, you leave a bad boss”. Bad bosses come in various forms. There could be the micromanaging boss who is always on your neck – correcting you and not allowing you to do your job properly; the boss that blames everyone for mistakes but takes no blame, or the boss who has no respect for your time and efforts.
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